Friday November 28, 2008:
i wanted my Friday to be a chill night, like to go to the movies or something. i didn't really want to hit up Highlands, but everyone was hitting up a club so i decided, ok whatever i'll just go to Highlands. and then i talked to Marco and he was down for a movie. so Marco & i went to the movies to watch Role Model. pretty funny movie, i enjoyed it. and after the movie we met up with my brother and the fam at Krispy Kreme in La Puente for a yearly challange. my brother had to eat 4 Krispy Kreme apple fritters and a bottled water in under 12 minutes. if he completed the challenge he would've gotten five ps3 games and a $200 gift certificate for his girlfriend... but sadly, my brother was not able to clear the challange. hahahhahah! oh well, better luck next time! so anyways, after the challenge Marco and i left to go eat at Guppies. haven't ate there in FOREVER! seriously. we talked got to know eachother more. it was really chill. after we finished eating he took me home.
Saturday November 29, 2008:
i woke up at 2 in the afternoon. blah! i hate waking up late! anyway, so i spent the day with my niece's & nephew's, all 9 of them! LOL! and then got ready for the club. Marco picked me up around 6. met up with Bert. and headed out to West Covina to have dinner. first we went to HOOTERS, but there was waaaay too many people. so we left and headed to BJ's... another FAIL! so we ate at t.g.i.Fridays. i also love that place so i didn't complain. after dinner we then headed to Pomona for Terminal. we were there superrr early so Marco & i chilled at the shop []then everyone started coming and started chillin in the store instead of going into the club. so about 11'ish everyone went into the club. it was chill. not as much people as last week.. but as always, good people, good music, good vibes.

Carissa. ME. & Van_G.

Stat1k & myself.
after the club Marco, Bert, and myself headed to the Hawaiian Gardens casino in Carson.

Marco & myself heading to the casino. what in the world was so funny?!
superrr sad that i didn't come up. i came up in the bigging.. and then lost it all. bought in again.. and barley came out even! ugh! last night was NOT my night! so we were at the casino till 7:00am

went outside for my last smoke break around 6'ish this is how it looked outside.

the frikkin vampires came out! hahahah!
Wednesday November 26, 2008:
Myron & i headed down to San Diego for club Massive at House of Blues. too bad it ended early cause of stupid people fighting! whatever.. it was still fun.. especially in our hotel rooms! LMFAO! oh man good times.





Soulmate <3>



Harold! he didn't go to the club, but he met up with us after at the hotel.

for some reason everyone was in their boxers... can you tell who's who?! LOL!

ok, so this one is really obvious. LOL!

oooh... sorry sexy back! hahaha!

TK & Myron. love them.

L-E-O & TK
ok so thats enough for the hotel pictures. the rest are rated R! LOL!

Myron & i leaving the hotel
after leaving the hotel Myron, TK, Harold and i went to have a Thanksgiving lunch. we ate Thai food! yummmm!

this was our desert! fried banana with ice cream.

i heart them alot, ALOT! ♥ superrr thankful for them :]

took these pictures leaving San Diego... the sky looked sooo pretty! and the clouds!

traffic was sooooo bad though! a 1 and a half our drive home became a 3 hour drive home!
ok that's all for now! i promise i will TRY to constantly update! hahahah!