Adam & myself. on our way to DEEP.

like i said, Adam was done.. he threw in the towel.

getting air outside. we're not allowed to bring camera's into the club.. so i took pictures on my phone. hah! suckers!

Stat1k... always posing! haha!

yeah, he's gone.
after DEEP we headed back to myyy hood and ate at JJ Cafe! woooo! love that place!

Stat1k looooves Maggie. LOL!

talk about food coma!

my food that i didn't even finish. looove the curry!

poor Bert was sooo tired.. but a trooper for still being down to go to DEEP!

g'night Bert! haha
sooo like i'm sick... AGAIN! dammit! ugh! stupid weather! =(
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your blog is feel good......
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