soooo i should've went to the CHARGERS vs. Raider game.. but i had no one to go with so i went to Skidazzle @ the LA convention center with Mica, Matt, and Kyle. it was only the first day, but there was soooo many people! oh man, and for me... i felt like a big kid in a toy shop! lol! sooo many good stuff EVERYWHERE! i went cause i needed to buy some boarding pants... but i failed and didn't find any that i liked. i even brought some of my gear to try and sell, but when they gave me the contract/form to fill out it said that they get 20% of what i make. so i said EFF that!!! and took my stuff and left. i DID though, buy a burton back pack and 2 beenies, one for me and one for Marco.

this is the Burton backpack i bought

original price is $60.00 (can't see it its blurry) & skidazzle price is $40.00! woo!

kidrobot Burton board (top view)

(bottom view)

skidazzle price: $299.95

boards galore!

Bear Mountain & Snow Summit Booths

Mountain High booth (i like how the guys posed for my cam haha)

Mammoth Mountain section.

i forgot what these things are called. haha

i saw Jeremy!

Jeremy & myself.
Mountain High had a photo booth! so we took pictures! LOL!

i wasn't ready!


this is gonna be our Christmas greeting card. LOL!
after Skidazzle Mica & i went to vist our homie's daughter. she is one of the CUTEST babies EVER!!!!

after visiting we headed out to Brea to have dinner and drink for Vangie's birthday.

my wifey for lifey! ♥

lol! a quad shot of something called "the nerd" shot. it was really good!

i barley started downing mine, and Vangie's already finished! wtf?! LOL!

the wifey. the birthday girl. meeee.

the group on Vangie's bday (she's the one in the "P" hat) HAPPY BIRTHDAY VAN.G!
Friday December 5, 2008
went to Highlands for Vangie's birthday but left early cause i was forreal NOT feelin the club and i was cold =( i was able to have a couple drinks with Vangie before leaving the Highlands though, thanks to Marco and Bert.

yaaay Vangie's 21 now! haha
Saturday December 6, 2008:
i was suppose to go to Prelude.. but i told Myron i didn't wanna go cause i wanted to watch the fight! so Marco picks me up and we head to Cerritos to meet with Bert. then we headed to La Mirada to Bert's brother's house to watch the fight. i missed the first 2 rounds but thats ok. i thought it was a pretty good fight. a big "HAH" to all the people who told me that Pacquiao was goin down!

after the fight Bert, Marco, and myself headed to Pomona for Terminal.. but this time Terminal took place at the Rooted Movement shop. hahaha!



a close up of the shirt.

LOL! Marco and his grass hopper. hahahaha! before we walked like 3 blocks to find food... we failed.

Marco & i [buzzed] ahaha. the beenies i bought for him and myself at skidazzle.

Jan. Adam. me.

chuggin our 40's.

i love Adam! hahah

Stat1k & myself. i was buzzed. hahaha

Jan was tired. haha!

some people outside the shop.

Jan's awake now!

people inside the shop.

people dancing inside the shop.

people housing inside the shop.

Bert aka DJ A-Bert
after everyone left the shop which was around 2am Bert, Marco & i headed back to Cerritos ate at Denny's and then crashed at Bert's house.


g'night Marco! hahaha
ok so i needa start my christmas shopping already! ugh! it's war time people!
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