Wednesday, December 3, 2008


ok so last night i went to dinner with Marco, and he had brought up Disneyland and how we should go. i haven't been to that place since 99!!! i am loooong over due! and i've ALWAYS wanted to go there during the month of Decmeber cause of the "snow" and how it just feels so Christmas'y! i was browsing Google images on how Disneyland looks in December and these are what i came across...

christmas decorations make me sooo happy! :]

aaahhhh! so frikkin pretty!

this makes me wanna go ever more!!!!!! =(

the snooooowwww!!!!

so i'm putting this Disneyland trip in Marco's hands! he seemed so determined to go! so if we don't go i'm gonna be superrrrrrr sad! hahaha!

anyways! i have so many other things to look foward to this month as well!

_Dec 06: Pacquiao vs De La Hoya fight! Vegas? [random trip w/ Bert & Marco... still undecided. ]

soooo frikkin stoked to watch the fight! so according to this website: people think Pacquiao will win. what do you think?!

_Dec 15: Tourtured Soul

_Dec 16: DJ Spinna @ DEEP

_Dec 19-21(?): VEGAS!

but yeah... YAY! i la la la LOOOOVE the month of DECEMBER! makes me soooo HAPPY!

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